How To Increase Your Resso Account Privacy? – Follow Easy Steps

If you want to make sure your Resso account is as secure and private as possible, we know how important that is, and we’re here to help.

We’ll cover how to access your privacy settings, the options available to you to keep your account secure and safe.

You’ll have the knowledge to make sure your account is as secure as possible by the time you’re done reading. So, let’s get started.

Understanding Resso Privacy Settings

Resso allows you to customize your profile’s privacy settings to ensure your account is safe and secure from unwanted attention.

To access these settings,

  • Simply go to your Me tab,
  • You will find settings option on the top right corner of the app,
  • And go to “privacy settings” option.
Privacy Setting Option

Here, Resso gives you an option to private your playlists and vibes. This option allows you to hide your playlists and songs from other users.

Also, you can change your location sharing settings and manage blocked user accounts. Under this option, you can block or unblock any user you want,

Additionally, the Resso App allows the users to delete their own account.

So, take a few moments to review your settings and make sure they are what you want them to be. This way, you’ll know you are safe and secure while using Resso.

Read Also: How To Delete Your Resso Music Account?

List of Options Available in Resso Privacy Settings

Users of Resso have full authority to customize their Privacy Settings. The App permits you to hide your playlist library, change your location sharing settings, manage blocked accounts and many more options listed below:


Are you one of those people that prefer to keep their music to themselves? If so, you can customize the playlist library settings to keep your tunes private. It’s easy to enable or disable the options that meet your needs. Here is what you can Enable and Disable:

Make Similarity Visible:

Make Similarity Visible” is a feature in the Resso music app that aims to provide users with a visual representation of how songs are similar to each other. It is designed to help users discover new music that is similar in style or genre to songs they already enjoy.

Make Similarity visible option

When you enable the “Make Similarity Visible” feature in Resso, you will see visual connections between songs, albums, and artists. This could be represented by lines, colors, or other visual elements that show the relationships between different pieces of music. By visually mapping the connections, users can easily explore and navigate through related songs, expanding their musical preferences and discovering new tracks that align with their taste.

The goal of “Make Similarity Visible” is to enhance the music discovery experience by providing a more immersive and interactive way for users to explore and find music that resonates with their preferences.

Make For You Songs Public:

“Make For You Songs Public” is a feature in the Resso music app that allows users to share their personalized “For You” playlist with others.

The “For You” playlist in Resso is a curated selection of songs based on the user’s listening habits, preferences, and music history. It is personalized to provide a tailored music experience for each individual user. By default, the “For You” playlist is private and only visible to the user.

However, if you choose to make your “For You” songs public, it means that you allow other Resso users to see and listen to the songs that are part of your personalized playlist. This feature enables you to share your musical taste and recommendations with friends or the broader Resso community.

By making your “For You” songs public, others can discover and explore the music that resonates with you, potentially leading to music discussions, recommendations, and connections with like-minded music enthusiasts.

Make For You Song Public

It’s important to note that the decision to make your “For You” songs public is optional, and you have control over whether or not to share your personalized playlist with others.

Set Favorite songs as Public:

The “Set Favorite Song as Public” option in the Resso music app allows users to make their favorite song visible and shareable with others in the Resso community.

When you mark a song as your favorite in Resso, it signifies that it holds a special place for you and is a track you particularly enjoy. By enabling the “Set Favorite Song as Public” option, you are choosing to make that specific favorite song visible to other Resso users.

When your favorite song is set as public, it can be discovered and listened to by other users who view your profile or come across your shared content. This feature enables you to showcase your favorite music and potentially connect with others who have similar tastes or receive recommendations from the Resso community based on your favorites.

Set Favorite Song As Public

It’s important to note that you have control over which specific song(s) you choose to make public as favorites. This feature provides a way to express your musical preferences, engage with others who enjoy the same songs, and foster connections through shared music interests within the Resso app.

Make Listened Songs Public:

When you enable this option, the app display a list of songs you have recently listened to on your public profile or feed. This can serve as a way for your friends or followers within the app to discover new music, see what you’ve been enjoying, and engage in discussions or recommendations based on your listening habits.

By making your listened songs public, you also have the opportunity to connect with other users who have similar music tastes or find users who recommend songs you might enjoy based on your listening history.

Make Listened Songs Public

Set Created Playlists as Public:

“Set Created Playlists as Public” is a feature in the Resso music app that allows users to make their custom playlists visible and shareable with others in the Resso community.

When you create a playlist in Resso, you have the option to set it as public or private. By enabling the “Set Created Playlists as Public” option for a specific playlist, you make it visible to other Resso users, allowing them to discover and listen to the songs included in that playlist.

When your created playlist is set as public, it can be found by other users who may browse through playlists, search for specific themes or genres, or come across your profile. This feature enables you to share your curated collection of songs, themed playlists, or personal mixes with others, potentially fostering music discussions, recommendations, and connections within the Resso community.

Set Created Playlists as Public

It’s important to note that you have control over which specific playlists you choose to make public. You can set some playlists as private for your personal enjoyment and make others public to showcase and share your musical preferences with the community.

Set favorite Playlists as Public:

“Set Favorite Playlists as Public” is a feature in the Resso music app that allows users to make their favorite playlists visible and shareable with others in the Resso community.

When you mark a playlist as your favorite in Resso, it indicates that it holds a special significance for you and is a collection of songs you particularly enjoy. By enabling the “Set Favorite Playlists as Public” option, you are choosing to make those specific favorite playlists visible to other Resso users.

When your favorite playlists are set as public, they can be discovered and listened to by other users who view your profile or come across your shared content. This feature enables you to showcase your favorite music collections and potentially connect with others who have similar tastes or receive recommendations from the Resso community based on your favorite playlists.

Set favorite Playlists as Public

Set Artists You Follow as Public:

The “Artists You Follow as Public” option in Resso allows users to control the visibility of the artists they follow within the app.

By enabling this option, you make the artists you follow visible to others in the Resso community, allowing them to see your music preferences and potentially discover new artists.

Conversely, disabling this option ensures that the artists you follow remain private and are not visible to other users.

This feature provides users with the flexibility to curate their music experience and choose whether or not to share their favorite artists with others.

Set Artists You Follow as Public

Whether enabled or disabled, the “Artists You Follow as Public” option allows users to customize their privacy settings and engage with the Resso community based on their comfort level.

Voice Chat in Listen Together:

“Voice Chat in Listen Together” is a feature in the Resso music app that allows users to engage in real-time voice conversations with their friends or other listeners while listening to music together.

When using the Listen Together feature in Resso, which enables users to listen to the same songs simultaneously with others, the Voice Chat option allows you to communicate verbally through voice chat channels.

By activating the Voice Chat in Listen Together, you can have discussions, share thoughts, and enjoy a more interactive music listening experience with your friends or fellow listeners. It enhances the social aspect of music streaming, enabling you to connect and engage in real-time conversations while enjoying the same tracks.

Voice Chat in Listen Together

Direct Message:

Resso offers a direct messaging facility for its users, permitting them to contact one another. But if you don’t feel like being contacted, you can set the direct message privacy to Everyone, Friends Only or Nobody. So, you’re able to control who can message you.

Suggest Your Account to Others:

When you first join Resso, the app begins to suggest your account to your contacts or friends, so you can start gaining followers. Fortunately, you have the power to decide who Resso should suggest your account to, with these options:

  • Contacts
  • Facebook Friends
  • People with Mutual Connections (considered Friends of Friends)
  • Recommend You to users who opened or sent Links (enabling this feature will make Resso suggest your account to those who have either sent you or received links in the past)

Sync Contacts and Facebook Friends:

Connecting your account to your contacts and Facebook friends is a breeze with Resso. With this setting enabled, you’ll quickly be able to find who among your contacts and Facebook friends are also using Resso.

Manage Blocked Accounts:

If you’re looking for a way to ensure your safety, you can easily block someone from accessing your account through the Manage Blocked Accounts option. Reversing this action is also possible with Resso. Just click on the unblock option and user will be unblocked.


Now that you know how to increase your Resso account privacy, you can feel more secure when using the service. Don’t forget to block unwanted users and private your playlists.

With these steps, you can be sure that your account is secure and that your privacy is respected.

So go ahead and enjoy using Resso with peace of mind.

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