It is not possible for every member in a family to purchase their individual premium plan to enjoy premium services in Resso. Thus, Resso has come up with an amazing solution providing a family plan where a fully family can enjoy High-quality music, download audio and ad-free music, with a single purchase.
After providing you with full details regarding individual package and student plan, we are now set to provide you with every little piece of information regarding Resso Family Plan. After reading this article, you will be fully able to subscribe to Resso Family plan, Invite or remove family members to plan and how you can join or disjoin the family plan. So, let’s get started
What is Resso Family Plan?
One of the most important premium plan of Resso is Family Plan Package. The package costs $2.19$ in USA and 181 INR in India per month. With this package, all the family members can enjoy the premium services of Resso music application under a single roof having separate accounts with each. Yes, Resso Family Package offers 5 different child accounts under one parent account.
You know what’s best, each child account can select their favorite playlists, liked songs, create libraries. Also, you can set different credentials for each account. The Family package is quite economical when you compare it with individual plan which each costs 1.45$. This premium package is a must for any family who loves Resso Music.
What Features are Included in the Resso Family Plan?
Resso Family Package has same features as the individual plan like offline listening, unlimited skips, high-quality music, ad-free music and on-demand listening. The additional benefit of this package is that it entertains up to 6 different users at a time.’
How Do I Activate The Family Plan?
Every group of people who love using Resso Application must subscribe to this premium plan of the App. If you are looking for subscription method, you can follow the below steps.
How do I invite family members to join the family plan?
Not everyone can invite family members to join the family plan. The one who made the purchase is the only head of the plan and he or she is responsible for inviting and removing other 5 members. This is how you can invite other family members to family plan.
How Do I Remove Family Members from the Family Plan?
This is exactly the same process as invitation method. Instead of clicking on invite option, you have to click on remove button. Still if you are confused, follow the below steps:
How can I join and disjoin the family?
As stated earlier, only head of the family plan has the authority to add or remove users. No individual member of the family has authority to add them or even remove them. You can only join when you receive the invitation link from the family plan manager. Moreover, you can only disjoin when plan manager removes you from the users list.
Are all individuals in the family plan required to pay?
No, only one payment is required at the start of subscription. Only the plan manager who is responsible for handling the member list has to pay the monthly subscription charges of Resso Family Plan Package.
This is all the information you need to know regarding the family plan package. We have tried our best to include every single detail. To conclude, Resso Family Plan Package is a premium plan which offers 6 different accounts in one subscription. The package is mainly introduced to entertain the people living under a single roof. You can subscribe to the plan in the premium tab option providing your payment details. Moreover, the person who does payment becomes the head of the family plan and has the authority to add and remove other members.