How to See Your Top Artists on Resso Music App?

Resso is the best streaming app that offers music lovers a unique and interactive music listening experience. This app has many advanced features, including the “top artist” section, which displays the most listened artists on the Resso app. This feature can help you to know the best music and artists on the Resso app. Although you also check your play history to see which artist you have been listening to the most. If you want to know “How to See Your Top Artist on Resso Music App”, don’t skip this article.

How Does Resso Algorithm Consider Top Artists?

The Resso algorithm works by analyzing the user’s listening behavior. The Resso algorithm considers various factors from the user’s account and then provides the list of “top artists”. One of the factors that the algorithm considers is how frequently they listen to the particular artist and how much time they spend listening to it. Additionally, the Resso algorithm analyses the users’ engagement, like how many times they like, comment, and share the music of a particular artist.

What is the Reason for Accessing the Top Artist on the Resso?

There could be different reasons why a user finds top artists on the Resso app. These are some possible reasons.

The discovery of new music:

The Resso app offers countless songs in different languages and categories, making it easy for users to find artists that match their tastes. You can also search for your favorite artist by browsing through the app; if you are an old user, you may find the recommended music base based on your previous history in the “For You” section.

Following your favorite artists:

If you are a die-hard fan of any artist and addicted to listening to his music, then you can search for his name on Resso. The Resso will appear his account on your screen. You can follow him to get updated on his new posts and everything.

Sharing music with friends:

The Resso app allows you to share music and playlists with any of your friends through various chat apps. This feature, along with other advanced features, enhances the social and interactive experience of using the app.

Also read: How To Add And Remove Songs From Favorite On Resso?

Create playlists:

You can create separate playlists on Resso for different genres of music like pop, classic, events songs, etc.

How to See Your Top Artists on Resso Music App? (Complete Guide)

Follow these steps to see the top artists on Resso.

  • Open this app on your smartphone.
  • Play music on the Resso, and tap the three dots on the screen’s bottom right corner.
See Top Artist on Resso Music App
  •  A menu will appear; scroll it until you find the “View Artists” option. Next, click on it to see the top artists.
How to see top artist on Resso
  • Only old users or those who have listened to music and if their data is generated on Resso could see this top artists section
Top Artist


This article provides you with a complete guide on “What’s the process for finding your top artist on the Resso music streaming platform?”. Resso is a music-streaming app with various advanced features, and “Top Artis” is also one of them. This feature enables users to find new music, follow their favorite artists, and create different playlists. The Resso algorithm considers various factors of users to enlist the artist in the “top artists” section. You can easily see the “top artists” section by following the steps mentioned above.

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