How To Create A Verified Artist Account And Submit Music On Resso?

Are you an artist looking to upload your music to a streaming platform? If so, Resso is the perfect platform for you!

With Resso, you can create a verified artist account and submit your music to be streamed on the platform. This article will help you learn how to create a verified artist account on Resso and How you can submit or upload music to Resso Music Application platform. So, what are you waiting for? Read on and get your music rolled out to every music lover.

How to Create a Verified Artist Account?

Creating a verified artist account on Resso is easy and free. While signing up for first time on Resso Application, you will find an option to sign up as an artist. All you need to do is sign up with your email address and create a username. Once your account is confirmed, you can customize your profile with a profile picture and a bio. This will help you establish an authentic connection with your listeners.

Additionally, make sure to pay attention to the guidelines and terms of service. This will help you stay on the right side of the law and create a safe space for your music.

How to Submit Music As an Artist on Resso?

Creating a verified artist account on Resso is the first step in uploading your music. It is very easy and simple to upload your verified music on Resso Music Application. We have discussed below all the things you need to know before uploading.

Upload to Resso using right file format

Ready to get your music out there? Uploading to Resso is not a hectic process when you use the right file format. When submitting songs to Resso, it’s important to pay attention to the file format and quality.

The preferred format is MP3 with a bitrate of 320kbps or higher. WAV and FLAC files are also accepted, but require a bitrate of at least 16-Bit 44.1kHz. Any files lower than this won’t be accepted by Resso, so make sure to double-check your files before uploading.

Provide Appropriate Metadata and Cover Art

In addition to the file format, it’s important to provide appropriate metadata when submitting music to Resso. Metadata includes song titles, artist names, genres, and release dates. This information helps people discover your music, so make sure to fill it out correctly.

It’s also a good idea to include a captivating cover art to draw in listeners. With a well-crafted artist profile, organized songs, and appropriate metadata, you’re ready to submit your music to Resso and start gaining listeners.

Wait for Approval

Once you’ve submitted your music to Resso, all you need to do is wait for it to be approved. Once you’ve uploaded your songs, the Resso team will review them and decide whether to accept or reject them. Review times can vary, but usually take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

If your songs are accepted, they’ll be live on Resso for everyone to hear. If they are rejected, you’ll receive an email explaining the reason for the rejection. It’s important to make sure that all songs are in the right file format and meet Resso’s terms of service and guidelines. This will help ensure that your music is approved quickly and without any issues.

Get Payout

Once your release has hit the shelves, it’s time to get paid for your hard work. You can keep tabs on your earnings using our app. When you’ve earned a minimum of $10, you can start cashing out. And don’t worry, you get to keep all your royalties and rights.

No need to worry about losing out, because Resso makes sure you get to keep every penny you make. So go ahead, get out there and make some money. You can even promote your uploaded music on social media handles and connect with your fans on an even deeper level. Resso also provides detailed analytics that can help you understand your audience’s listening patterns and engagement levels.

How to Submit Music as a User?

If you are not an artist by yourself but missing your favorite songs on Resso Application, you can get missing content available by reaching to Resso Support by feedback option giving in the app. Mention your favorite songs with all the details like genre, artists, song title and release date. Resso support team will review your request and hopefully add the missing content available. There is no specific time however, it gets available in few days.


This is all you need to know while creating your verified artist account on Resso Music Application. To conclude, all you need to do is sign up as an artist and choose the right file format to upload your songs on the app. It is important to provide metadata of your songs to get quick approval. Once your songs are live on the platform, its time to get paid for your talent. However, you must stay intact with all Resso Policies and terms and conditions.


No, Resso does not charge any amount for uploading your songs. It is a great platform specifically for new artists who want their music to reach their die-hard fans.

Resso has a special guidelines to follow when you are uploading cover songs. If you are not breaking any copyright law, yes, you can upload cover songs on Resso.

However, the app is only available in Brazil, Indonesia and India but these countries have visitors and nationals from all over the world. Thus, Resso Music Application accepts music in all types of languages.

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